-area pizza shop, Comet Ping Pong, followers of the debunked “pizzagate” conspiracy theory have been speculating. Retrieved 7 December 2016.


2018-08-16 · Poster on Voat pizzagate quoted from 1970s study on Adrenochrome. Not much official research as human studies highly unethical. Related, for people with high end tools … Another voat poster said he saw discoloration on the bottom loops of poolside ropes that suspended the children under their arms.

Reddit banned its Pizzagate community just before Thanksgiving, scattering its more committed subscribers to Voat—a Reddit-like site with less regard for hate speech, doxxing, or other nefarious Meanwhile, the exiled pizzagate subreddit (which has since moved to Reddit’s knockoff Voat) drummed up suspicion based on a traffic camera near Comet Ping Pong which they claim moved a day Rumors linking a well-known Brooklyn restaurant to the so-called Pizzagate hoax seem to have emerged in posts on an online message board late last month. A Voat user wrote of finding a For the uninitiated, Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory borne out of emails obtained by Wikileaks from Hillary Clinton's campaign chair, John Podesta. Some conspiracy theorists claimed that Podesta Investigation by "citizen investigators" on Reddit and Voat revealed a host of "evidence" that suggested Pizzagate was evidence of a satanic pedophile ring, operating at the highest levels in Washington. Pizzagate investigators are convinced that they have uncovered something that is so depraved that it defies belief. Pizzagate’s days in the limelight are waning. Even Edgar Welch—the 28-year-old who entered Comet Ping Pong armed with several firearms to “investigate” the made-up child trafficking claims Pizzagate is a continuation of this pattern, both of fooling well-meaning people and the media and of ideas being lifted off 4chan and amplified without context or explanation. Hillary and Bill Clinton bought dozens of pizzas from the D.C. restaurant that was at the center of the 'Pizzagate' conspiracy theory last fall, which compelled one North Carolina man to show up Pizzagate és una teoria de la conspiració que es va fer viral durant les eleccions presidencials dels Estats Units el 2016.

Pizzagate voat

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Ask your general questions here." "Pizzagate" is a debunked conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. It has been extensively discredited by a wide range of organizations, including the Washington, D.C. police. In a thread on Voat, user EyesWideScared put forward a theory about possible connections with pizzagate of organizations related to Amy Merrill. he user wrote: “Amy Merril was the Director of Partnerships & Business Development for anti-sex trafficking organization SMF. r/PizzaGateMemes: A subreddit to submit memes about Pizzagate. The main aim of this subreddit is to create easy to digest information about the … But Pizzagate came roaring back in 2020, when the theory, once associated primarily with older Trump supporters, found a new, younger audience on platforms like TikTok.

VOAT Pizzagate "This subverse is for the investigation of and dissemination of information related to #pizzagate." VOAT What to Focus On and Guidelines/Background for Newbies "We will continue to update the sticky as new things unfold." VOAT Q&A Thread "For those 2020-12-24 Massive Repository of Indisputable PizzaGate Evidence DC PizzaGate: A Primer UPDATED 12/02. Suspected Pedophile Ring Exposed. I’ve created this blog to share the information 4chan has collectively gathered and researched about a suspected pedophilia and human trafficking ring that we seem to have uncovered existing within our DC politicians and the elite class.

Posts about #voat.co/v/pizzagate written by Amy James

(Live Leak) Death, rapes, and broken bones at Philly’s only residential treatment center for troubled youth (Voat) 169 Submission Info Posted by: darkknight111 (/user/darkknight111) Posting time: 19 hours ago on 8/6/2017 2:33:10 AM Last edit time: 17 hours ago on 8/6/2017 4:24:53 AM 2018-08-16 · Poster on Voat pizzagate quoted from 1970s study on Adrenochrome. Not much official research as human studies highly unethical. Related, for people with high end tools … Another voat poster said he saw discoloration on the bottom loops of poolside ropes that suspended the children under their arms. Se hela listan på our.wikileaks.org Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks about the international scope of Pizzagate with researcher, Ryan Zimmerman.

Pizzagate voat

7 Oct 2019 And take the counter example - /r/The_donald arguably has been involved in some real dodgy stuff including actively pushing pizzagate 

The Pizzagate Voat's continue to be active, and some of those who subscribe to the Pizzagate conspiracy theory continue to take more direct action. The New York Daily News reports that a Philadelphia church service was interrupted by a man who videoed himself claiming that "Pizzagate is real" and that "the Catholic church has been sexually abusing children for decades." Pizzagate. Bill Clinton jumped aboard disgraced sex offender Jeffrey Epstein s Lolita Express plane junkets 26 TIMES just three years. Reddit bans pizzagate we dont want witchhunts our site. Voat. Gunman detained at Comet pizza restaurant was self investigating fake news reports. Global pedophile rings hiding in plain sight.

Pizzagate voat

In 2016, Sarah*, 34, was  7 Oct 2019 And take the counter example - /r/The_donald arguably has been involved in some real dodgy stuff including actively pushing pizzagate  PART 27 - COMET PING PONG LONG DONG PIZZA SHOP CONCLUSION AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF MY PRESENTATION I SAID:I DO NOT A 25 Apr 2018 So this broke a few days back. She was allegedly involved with a secret society or cult called "Nxivm" that forced women and children into sex  20 Tem 2020 Alefantis, Washington DC'de bulunan Comet Ping Pong pizzacısının sahibidir. Kendisi GQ magazinin derlediği bir çalışmada Washington'daki en  19 feb 2017 BREAKING: VOAT-PIZZAGATE PUBLICEERT FOTO VAN BEATRIX MET 'SPIRIT COOKER' MARINA ABRAMOVICH; LET OP HAAR BROCHE. 24 Nov 2016 A pizzagate forum has sprung up on voat.co and awareness of the scandal is spreading on YouTube, Twitter and other social media outlets. And  6 Aug 2017 (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1785466)". 1 : Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the sexual/physical.
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Pizzagate voat

2016-11-24 · Pizzagate, a persistent and popular conspiracy theory that combines the Clinton diaspora with accusations of a secret pedophile ring, For now, they’ve relocated to Voat, 2020-06-16 · The Pizzagate community moved their discussions to Voat in the aftermath of Reddit’s decision, and continued their discussions on v/pizzagate.

And while […] Se hela listan på infogalactic.com 2018-07-30 · 6 Pizzagate Researchers Who Went Dark Since the research community is so heavily distracted with disinfo and false prophets lately, I thought it would be useful to compile a short list of silenced users and what they were working on before going dark. This list should serve as a kickoff point for researchers who want […] Internet sleuths on the Reddit-Like site Voat Pizzagate subverse rescued hundreds of human-trafficked children they reported, following a daring assault by a patriot armed with an AR-15. Comet pizza, located in Washington DC, was, according to postings, a major node in a pedophile organization reaching the highest leve Abramovic's ties with "John of God" | pizzagate 3/10/19, 819 AM https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3018517 Page 1 of 4 32 Search Voat (via searchvoat.co) 2016-12-06 · Pizzagate: What is it?
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James Alefantis hotar PizzaGate-forskare Ryan A. O"Neal. Se vilka kändisepar som har tagit tid från Inget behov av allt detta. Radera tråden på Voat också?

På Voat är det många som förflyttat sig efter att reddit censuerade. complicit in one of these harmful conspiracies, such as QAnon or Pizzagate. dessa subreddits har flyttat över till Reddit-klonen Voat som inte riktigt verkar  Ett exempel är Reddit-kopian Voat, som grundades 2014.

VOAT Pizzagate "This subverse is for the investigation of and dissemination of information related to #pizzagate." VOAT What to Focus On and Guidelines/Background for Newbies "We will continue to update the sticky as new things unfold." VOAT Q&A Thread "For those

2016-11-23 2018-08-16 In a thread on Voat, user EyesWideScared put forward a theory about possible connections with pizzagate of organizations related to Amy Merrill.

Ha estat desacreditada per una àmplia gamma d'organitzacions, les pròpies que estan implicades, inclòs el Departament de la Policia Metropolitana del Districte de Columbia, tot i que noves informacions i filtracions d'Anonymous aportant desenes de proves han dut a 2018-03-02 · #AlecBaldwin Linked to #Opioid Smuggling, #Pizzagate, #Rockefellers, and a Laundry List of #Cabal members by researchers on #Voat March 2, 2018 by Neon Revolt This post on Voat is huge, and staggering in its implications. A pizzagate forum has sprung up on voat.co and awareness of the scandal is spreading on YouTube, Twitter and other social media outlets.