Discussion. Leaves, peduncles, and phyllaries of Lindheimera texana sometimes bear stipitate glands reminiscent of glands in some members of Madiinae.
Texas Yellow Star, Lindheimera texana, is one of the first spring bloomers to cover the country side. This yellow daisy makes a dramatic announcement that spring is here with roadsides and prairies covered in brilliant yellow blooms. Bloom time will last through May but with the onset of the heat of summer the blooms start to fade.
Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. Use them in commercial designs under lifetime, perpetual Posts about Texas Star (Lindheimera texana) written by Tanja Synonyymi lindheimera texana sanalle. Synonyymit.fi, ilmainen synonyymisanakirja netissä. Image Gallery .
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Lindheimera texana, Fruit. Family Asteraceae, Subclass Asteridae. Origin: Native Abstract. Lindheimera texana, Infructescence, ready for dispersal, from above. Family Asteraceae, Subclass Asteridae.
What are synonyms for Lindheimera texana?
Lindheimera texana Location near the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, south of Austin, Texas, USA Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Lindheimera texana. Texas Yellowstar. Marshallia caespitosa.
1. Lindheimera texana A. Gray & Engelmann, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts. 1: 47. 1847. Star daisy Leaf blades 4–12(–18+) × 1–3(–5+) cm. Peduncles 1–3(–6) cm. Phyllaries: outer ± lance-linear to linear, 8–12 mm, scabrellous and/or hispid; inner lance-ovate to elliptic, 9–15 mm, scabrellous to glabrate.Ray laminae 10–14 × 4–9 mm. Disc corollas 3–4 mm. Cypselae 4.5–6 mm
Svenskt liten texasstjärna.
The genus is named for German-American botanist Jacob Lindheimer, 1801–1879. A reseeding wildflower. Appearing in winter as a distinct lettuce-like rosette of fuzzy, deeply lobed leaves, Lindheimer’s daisy begins growing swiftly in February. Die Texas-Lindheimerie (Lindheimera texana), auch Texasstern genannt, macht zusammen mit der Pflanzenart Lindheimera mexicana die Gattung Lindheimera in der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae) aus. Der Gattungsname Lindheimera ehrt den deutsch-amerikanischen Botaniker Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer (1801–1879).
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These are fully to frost-hardy the annual is grown for its dainty, daisy-like yellow flowers, they are borne in late summer and early autumn. The are pointed to oval they are serrated with hairy fresh green leaves. How to propagate Lindheimera texana Seed Lindheimera texana. Also known as.
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LINDHEIMERA TEXANA: Compositae LINDHEIMERA TEXANA: Compositae Hind, Nicholas 1990-08-01 00:00:00 DAISY Plate 156 Liiidheimira lexnnti species, L. mexicana Gray, was described in 1880 (Proc. Am. Acad. 15: 84) but Gray commented on its dissimilarity with the original species. Subsequently, in 1882 (op. cit. 17: 216), Gray transferred this species to the genus Dugesia, where it has since remained.
Full Sun. Frost Hardy. 8a. USDA zone-12°C. Minimum temperature. Expected size.
Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Lindheimera Species, Lindheimer Daisy, Star Daisy, Texas Yellow Star (Lindheimera texana) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFi
Origin: Native. Lindheimera texana synonyms, Lindheimera texana pronunciation, Lindheimera texana translation, English dictionary definition of Lindheimera texana. Noun 1. Lindheimera texana - Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads Texas star flower Definition of lindheimera texana in the Definitions.net dictionary.
1: 47.