Army Reserve; The Army’s Military Intelligence (MI) is responsible for all intelligence gathered or learned during Army missions. MI Officers are always out front, providing essential intelligence and in many cases saving Soldiers who are fighting on the front lines.


This isn’t really an answer but a sincere request. We’ve dealt with quite a few intel guys attached to us (not sure which 35 series) but if you choose this path and are attached to an intel gathering mission…..please listen to your escorts/unit se

In the United States Navy, a system of naval ratings and designators are used along with the Navy Trainer's Guide, MOS 35R Avionic Systems Repairer Skill Levels 1, 2, and 3 JUNE 2004 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 2011-02-17 2021-04-10 Back to MOS 35 Duty Descriptions. MOS 35D NCOER Bullets. MOS 35D Citations.

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The language skills, knowledge and leadership experience you gain in this MOS can help you in your transition from the military to the civilian work force.., This job is categorized as military occupational specialty (MOS) 35T. These soldiers are a crucial part of the Army's intelligence community. Duties of MOS 35T These soldiers maintain, test, and repair communications equipment, including military intelligence computers and networks. A human intelligence (HUMINT) collector, MOS 35M, provides support to battlefield commanders and is responsible for information collection operations.

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To help you focus on the most applicable credentials, the certification list has been filtered to only show certifications with promotion points that are related to Most or Some of the skills and training gained in your MOS. 2011-05-10 · (3) MOS closed for reclassification into SFC, MSG and SGM except for those Soldiers within CMF 35. (4) MOS closed for reclassification to Soldiers who have been deemed permanently non-deployable in accordance with AR 614-30, AR 40-501, AR 220-1 and AR 600-8-101.

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20 sep. 2019 — MOS code and title 35P1O, cryptologic linguist. b. Army language identification code liste. Army language identification code listening. Army 

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2021-03-31 · A wide range of civilian job opportunities is available within the private and public sectors that align with MOS 35Z Intelligence Master Sergeant / Intelligence Sergeant Major military training and experience.

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2011-02-17 · (14) MOS closed for reclassification at SFC, MSG and SGM, except for those Soldiers within CMF 35. Additional Skill Identifiers for MOS 35S: D6—Basic Digital Network Analyst (BDNA) (skill level 1-4 only). J1—Telemetry Collection Operations (skill levels 1-3 only). K2—Advanced Communications Signals Analysis.

Fredagen 30/1 genomfördes ett samarbetsmöte med Dr. Mona Crissey från US Army Safety Science, 35(1-3​), 3–27. 29 aug. 2011 — Last MOS Group Signal Corps (Enlisted).

Army MOS Codes, Vietnam War Era . The following is a list of US Army Military Occupational Specialities Codes from 1966. A. 2401 ADP Officer, PCM

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