Neo-Slavery in the Twenty-First Century: Lebanon’s Kafala System Nonetheless, its existence is still observed today through the application of the Kafala system, a “restrictive immigration regime of laws”, held on foreign workers that seek asylum in the Gulf region.


November 21/2019 – Under Lebanon’s horrific Kafala (‘sponsorship’) system, the legal status of migrant domestic workers is tied to that of their employers. In effect this means that if, out of desperation, she flees the house, she automatically becomes an illegal alien.

The Gulf countries and Jordan adopted the Kafala system in the 1950s to regulate the labor force of migrant workers during We can all do something to stop the devastating impact of kafala on the lives of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers in Lebanon. And we can all work towards one day abolishing this oppressive system completely. At least 250,000 migrant domestic workers are estimated to be working in Lebanon. The kafala system comprises a suite of laws, policies, practices, and customs that characterize the governance and accommodation of the migrant workforce.

Kafala system lebanon

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With 30 million migrant workers in the Middle  May 20, 2019 BEIRUT: Calls to abolish Lebanon's kafala sponsorship system for migrant domestic workers have been on the rise after recent highprofile  Jun 4, 2020 We call on the Lebanese authorities to end the kafala system and extend labour protections to migrant domestic workers. Lebanon is home to  Jun 6, 2020 The Lebanese Revolution: A New Chapter of Kafala Misery. The Kafala System in Lebanon has always been one of the primary factors in the  132.194 Abolish the “kafala” sponsorship system with regard to migrant domestic workers (Denmark); 132.197 Amend the Labour Code to extend legal protection   After decades of marginalization, many of Lebanon's approximately 250000 domestic workers are demanding an end to their exploitation and fighting back  Feb 18, 2020 barred access to the outside world, and living at the mercy of their employers — conditions made possible by the oppressive kafala system. May 1, 2014 A campaign is underway in Lebanon to encourage people to speak up against the Kafala (sponsorship) system and the abuse of domestic  Apr 4, 2020 donated here are in Canadian dollars. If you see… Banchi Yimer needs your support for Food and medicine for kafala victims in Lebanon. Aug 26, 2020 Crisis in Lebanon: The kafala system, nationalism and scapegoating refugees.

31 okt.

African low skilled workers in Lebanon have been exposed to multiple hardships over the past months. This is due to a multiplicity of factors which includes the economic and political instability in Lebanon which has led to depreciation of the currency, inflation and job losses with Lebanese nationals unable to afford workers; the historical sponsorship (Kafala) system which gives room for

The Gulf countries and Jordan adopted the Kafala system in the 1950s to regulate the labor force of migrant workers during “The sponsorship system’s economic objective was initially to provide short-term, rotating labor that could be swiftly brought into the country in periods of economic boom, and then expelled during less prosperous periods.” 5 Lebanon continues to practice slavery by not allowing migrant workers to be considered in the Lebanese Labour Law, not abolishing the kafala system thus restricting 2020-08-18 · Taking a more radical approach is This Is Lebanon 961, a group working to evacuate migrant workers abandoned by their employees and raise awareness about the exploitative and slave labour-like work conditions faced by foreign domestic workers in Lebanon under the Kafala system. November 21/2019 – Under Lebanon’s horrific Kafala (‘sponsorship’) system, the legal status of migrant domestic workers is tied to that of their employers. In effect this means that if, out of desperation, she flees the house, she automatically becomes an illegal alien. We call on the Lebanese authorities to end the kafala system and extend labour protections to migrant domestic workers.

Kafala system lebanon

This unfortunately is a common occurrence in Lebanon and other Arab countries that employ the Kafala, or 'Sponsorship' system. Senast uppdaterad: 2016-02- 

Around 250,000 migrant domestic workers are employed in Lebanon under the Kafala system, just like Grace was.

Kafala system lebanon

Lebanon’s kafala system exploits migrant domestic workers and leaves them prone to physical and emotional abuse, with many turning to suicide as their only way out.
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Kafala system lebanon

3 feb.

The majority of these migrant workers are women that come from countries such […] 2020-03-27 · Lebanon has nearly 250,000 migrant domestic workers who are given the right to work in the country via the kafala system, a common form of sponsorship used across the Middle East. Kafala is not the problem. Abolish kafala or whatever the fuck you want to call it. It won’t increase their wages.
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After decades of marginalization, many of Lebanon's approximately 250000 domestic workers are demanding an end to their exploitation and fighting back 

By Priyanthini Guns. Lebanon is a highly stratified capitalist  Feb 1, 2018 Under Lebanese law, domestic workers fall under the kafala, or sponsorship, system. Existing literature has focused on the legality of the kafala  Jun 12, 2019 Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have blamed the kafala system, which exists in many parts of the Middle East, for the abuse of  Nov 21, 2019 November 21/2019 – Under Lebanon's horrific Kafala ('sponsorship') system, the legal status of migrant domestic workers is tied to that of their  Lebanese Law – The Root of the Problem. Around 250,000 migrant domestic workers are employed in Lebanon under the Kafala system, just like Grace was.

2021-03-23 · The kafala system operated effectively, albeit unfairly, during Lebanon’s postwar economic boom. Migrant workers could earn money and send remittances in U.S. dollars to their home countries.

INTERO: an Interoperability Model for Large Systems2020Ingår i: IEEE Software, to Lebanon2020Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (magisterexamen),  (In)Securities of Female Migration to Lebanon2020Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis. 20 juli 2015 — Justice in Lebanon) för att förbättra ungdomsrätten och säkerställa en skyddad miljö för barn i sponsring och kafala-system upphävs). This unfortunately is a common occurrence in Lebanon and other Arab countries that employ the Kafala, or 'Sponsorship' system. Senast uppdaterad: 2016-02-  Däck, Libanon - Tyre, Lebanon Mest framträdande har Tyre krediterats för att sprida sitt alfabet och ett Vigesimal numeriskt system. mestadels kvinnliga etiopier - under det diskriminerande Kafala-systemet för sponsring i Libanon fram till  Avsikten är att ett system med samarbete kring internationella adaptioner skall införas Fosterhem, kafala i islamisk rätt, adoption eller, om nödvändigt, placering i Indonesia, Kenya, the Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritius,  because of delays in criminal justice systems. countries: at least 1.1 million in Lebanon, more than 1.6 million Gulf states, the sponsorship, or kafala, system. visas on humanitarian grounds from the Belgian Consulate in Beirut, Lebanon.

To see the previous three, click here. Additional links: What it means to be black and African in Lebanon by Claudette Igiraneza The Fire These Times' Anti-Kafala​  24 apr. 2019 — my prison”: Exploitation of migrant domestic workers in Lebanon” tar upp de Under kafala-systemet påminner de privata hemmen i många fall om ett av Qatars ökända “sponsorsystem” som exploaterar migrantarbetare. Migrant Community Center - Lebanon, Beyrouth (Beirut, Lebanon).