1996 Frigoscandia Aga-750. Manufacturer: Frigoscandia; Frigoscandia Nitrogen Freeze Tunnel, AGA Freeze L, Model: Aga-750, No: 1240086, Manufacturing No: 7-50-6-N. 1240086, Manufacturing Date: 1996, 44 ft long x 30 in. wide, SS wire mesh belt, SS frame and hoods, SS b


30 jun 2015 I Helsingborg grundades Frigoscandia AB (nu Bring Frigo) och under dennes ledning utvecklades den så kallade Flofreeze-metoden, som 

Seller Responsiveness:  Home; |; About Us; |; Representation and Business Partners; |; References; |; Contact Us. SEND EMAIL. butun@butun.com.tr. CALL US. +90 (212) 295 7004. The Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE is a fluidized bed freezer designed for high capacity IQF freezing of raw fruits and vegetables.

Flofreeze frigoscandia

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Capacity of green peas / hour = 7,500kg / hr. NEW Frigoscandia flofreeze IQF freezer. This machine has never been used, only started for trial run. – Including ADF system – Including shaker Frigoscandia developed the first machine that later became FLoFREEZE together with the food brand because in the 1950s and 60s, when you took a packet of frozen vegetables out of the fridge, what you got was a frozen brick.

Frigoscandia FloFreeze Spiral Freezer, In Surplus Assets to the Ongoing Operations of Tr This auction is live! You need to be registered and approved to bid at Frigoscandia Flofreeze Product number 1243G Type MX-123 Mark II Serial number 1390001 Year of construction 1996 Belt Twin IQF track plastic belt system Capacity 12000 kg/hr on peas Cooling capacity 1350 kW Dimensions 14600 x 5900 x 4800 mm Including ADF Air Defrosting System and anti snow system Den Uitvanck 20 - 5688XG Oirschot, NL - Tel. +31 FRIGOSCANDIA Manual 0031 - -0 022-E 1/6 July 1987 FLoFREEZE MA General Description FLoFREEZE is based on a unique Frigoscandia patent of the fluidization principle vålich fast, gentle, hygienic and individual (IQF) freezing of a FLoFREEZE is ful ly continuous and integrated with the wide range of products. production line.

The Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE freezer with true fl uidization boosts your profi ts, because it cost-effectively delivers a wide range of perfect individually quick-frozen (IQF) products. • Highest quality on hard-to-handle sensitive products • Unique patented track separates sticky products

Thir pre-owned freezer provides optimal fluidization, ability to freeze most delicate products, preserving optimal hygiene requirements. The FLoFREEZE was designed from the start to be extreme-ly easy to clean, and to keep clean.

Flofreeze frigoscandia

Grundfilosofin i företaget ledde inte bara till Flofreeze för lösfrysning av grönsaker, frukt, bär, och skaldjur med mera. År 1979 introducerades det självstaplande bandet Frigobelt i spiralfrysaren Gyrocompact, och redan vid mitten av 1980-talet nådde Frigoscandia Equipment en marknadsledande position, genom att hälften av världens djupfrysta livsmedel passerade genom bolagets frysare. År 1989 kom drivsystemet Frigodrive, och spiralfrysaren Gyrocompact blev med tiden en stor

THIS IQF FREEZER IS TOTALLY NEW - IT HAS NEVER BEEN The stainless steel FLoFREEZE IQF Tray is perfect for products that demand extra hygiene precautions in your processing, as well as for classic high-volume products. Application-specific IQF freezing is our specialty JBT Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE ® With fresher-than-fresh IQF freezing, you can command a premium price for your shrimp harvest.

Flofreeze frigoscandia

We are honoured to be selected and mentioned in the new book ‘Made in Sweden’ by Anders Johnson, with foreword by H.R.H. Prince Daniel, presenting 130 Swedish innovations that have achieved international success! Since then, millions of tons of fresh food products have been successfully and profitably frozen on our Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE fluidized bed linear freezers. Our Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE provides true fluidization, using a patented air flow system that separates and freezes the most delicate products, while simultaneously fulfilling the industry’s toughest requirements for hygiene, economy and user-friendly operation. Object moved to here. Frigoscandia FloFreeze MX52, Running on R717, Ammonia, Fluidised Bed Freezer | Used food machinery for sale page on Boyd Food Machinery, we are based in Scotland, Ireland and Dubai. Providing Value to the Food Industry Since 1962 We pioneered Individual Quick Freezing technology, installing the world's first IQF freezer on a process line JBT Frigoscandia IQF Tray FLoFREEZE - model FFM3 Tray / LVS - year 2010 - Siemens Siematic Touch screen controls - capacity on peas 7.500 Kgs Two hours are then sufficient to carry out a full defrost and clean down,’ Persson says.
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Flofreeze frigoscandia

Model: FLoFREEZE M3 R ADF. Manufactured in 2014. IQF freezer with Air Defrost System giving 22 hours of non-stop operation. Capacity of green peas / hour = 7,500kg / hr. THIS IQF FREEZER IS TOTALLY NEW - IT HAS NEVER BEEN The stainless steel FLoFREEZE IQF Tray is perfect for products that demand extra hygiene precautions in your processing, as well as for classic high-volume products. Application-specific IQF freezing is our specialty JBT Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE ® With fresher-than-fresh IQF freezing, you can command a premium price for your shrimp harvest.

Under Per-Oskar Perssons ledning utvecklades en fluidiserande bäddfrysare ("Flofreeze-metoden" [1]) för lösfrysning av frukt och grönsaker, vilken lanserades 1962. - (2) frigoscandia flofreeze model 6ma tunnel freezers, iqf systems, s/n: 00313239 & s/n: 6911 - 119'w x 87'l. x 32'h high freezer storage unit w/ evapco model tfcsc2l-6783-30m4 refrigeration unit, s/n: 12-476304 - (2) crepaco 150hp ammonia compressors - (1) crepaco 125hp ammonia compressors - (3) crepaco 100hp ammonia boosters Frigoscandia IQF Tunnel. Model: FloFREEZE 10MA.
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The FLoFREEZE A freezer provides true fluidization. Frigoscandia ADVANTEC impingement airflow technology uses a straight belt that moves food product 

IQF freezing To retain high value while cost-effectively freezing soft product like shrimps, mussels and scallops, you  12 May 2013 Production capacities! · 'Frigoscandia' FloFreeze frezzers with the capacity of 10.5t/h. · 2 Processing lines for sour cherry prior to freezing with  Bring Frigo, tidigare Frigoscandia, är ett logistikföretag som arbterar med Perssons ledning utvecklades en fluidiserande bäddfrysare ("Flofreeze-metoden" ) för  3 set 2020 JBT - L'innovazione dei nuovi Frigoscandia FLoFreeze M garantisce un tempo di funzionamento prolungato per le grandi capacita' Yeni Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT® Spiral Dondurucu… 2020 Sezonunu kaçırmadan JBT- Frigoscandia FloFreeze IQF Dondurucu için bizlerle iletişime  JBT FoodTech Frigoscandia GYRoCOMPACT 60 Spiral Freezer JBT FoodTech has developed the Flofreeze A to aid small- to medium-scale processors in  Among the freezers developed were the FloFreeze, GyroFreeze, CartoFreeze and PelloFreeze.

Frigoscandia IQF Tunnel. Model: FloFREEZE 10MA. S/N: 00312091. Nominal Capacity: 11,550 lbs/hour (5,250 kg/hour). Commonly used with peas, cut vegetables, berries, cut fruits, French fries, meats, etc. Fluidized design uses upward air flow that conveys the product without the need for a belt conveyor.

Grasso SP1 Large - RB - 3B, 160kW Motor. Refrigerant:Ammonia. BAC Evaporative condenser: Model: VXC 125 - Type, P,E,D, C100. The condenser is a Baltimore VXC-125, selected to condense R717 refrigerant, with a THR of 382 Kw. JBT FoodTech Frigoscandia FLoFREEZE. Complete with all manuals, discs etc. Electrical requirements: 50Hz, 380-415V, 230kVA.

Seller Responsiveness:  Home; |; About Us; |; Representation and Business Partners; |; References; |; Contact Us. SEND EMAIL. butun@butun.com.tr.