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CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL Strada Tanasescu Nr. 6A din Focşani, ☎ Telefon +40 237 234 814 cu Indicații rutiere
- … No. Company Name Contact; 151: SOFT TRUST ID SRL Str. Petre Liciu 7 Jud. VRANCEA, Loc. FOCSANI: 152: TEHNOSERV PRO SRL Podul Zamfirii Jud. VRANCEA, Loc. JORASTI coduri caen 1102 - Fabricarea vinurilor din struguri .Odata cu furnizarea codului CAEN noi va afisam si lista completa de firme care au declarat acest cod caen pe care il cautati. Gratis numai pe 620157 FOCSANI. Romania. SRL: Describe your Company and attract Business opportunities (NAC08) Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment (4673) See the Import area. Asia-Pacific, Central/East Europe, West.
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CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL is located in Focsani, Romania and is part of the Fuel Oil & LP Gas Dealers Industry. CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL has 8 employees … Informaţii Carina Import Export Srl CIF 4061795 J39/479/1993 Str. Vilcele 77 Focsani. Află date de contact, informaţii financiare, datorii la bugete, dosare in justiţie, activitate / CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL. CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL. Ultima actualizare: 26.08.2020. Actualizeaza-ti profilul de companie. Contact CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL. STRADA VILCELE NR. 77 620107 FOCSANI. România.
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Află date de contact, informaţii financiare, datorii la bugete, dosare in justiţie, activitate * This phone number available for 3 min is not the recipient’s number but a number from a service which will put you through to that person. This service is produced by Kompass. Romania: parcugeți 28 potențiali furnizori din sectorul distributie en-gros pe Europages, platforma de resurse B2B internațională. Auto Sima - peste 24 de ani de tradiție în domeniul autoProfesionalism, experiență și seriozitate Masa biliard de la importatori, producatori directi prezenti pe
Export Results. 16 results matching carina. CARINA S.R.L. SEMPLIFICATA… Carina Srl Semplificata . Delfin Srl . Italy Manufacturer . 3 shipments match carina. 477 shipments total WOOD CRATES ELECTRONIC HORIZONTAL FLOW-PACK M ACHINE MOD. CARINA 500 E …
Suna compania. Suna compania ×---Serviciu CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL Strada Tanasescu Nr. 6A din Focşani, ☎ Telefon +40 237 234 814 cu Indicații rutiere Carina Import Export SRL - Focsani - Romania (RO) - Benzinarii CATALOGUL FIRMELOR Pagina este oferita gratuit de EULOAD , platforma online dedicata transportatorilor. Manager la Sc Carina import export srl Focsani România 164 de contacte. Aderați pentru a vă conecta Sc Carina import export srl. Institutul Politehnic Iasi.
Asia-Pacific, Central/East Europe, West.
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Telefon: 0237 / 231.000 interior 108 / 138 Mobil: 0729 / 037.421 sau 0722 / 328.655 2. Nume societate: AUTO SIMA BEYER IMPORT EXPORT SRL: Adresa: CALEA MUNTENIEI NR. 11, FOCSANI, JUDETUL VRANCEA: Telefon: Activităţi: MONTARE, ADAPTARE, REVIZII Locuri de munca la CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL disponibile chiar acum pe eJobs. Angajari CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL in diverse departamente. Actualizeaza-ti CV-ul si aplica acum!
This service is produced by Kompass. Romania: parcugeți 28 potențiali furnizori din sectorul distributie en-gros pe Europages, platforma de resurse B2B internațională.
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Locul 1 in Top Afaceri Romania, judetul VRANCEA, domeniul 4730: Comert cu amanuntul al carburantilor pentru autovehicule in magazine specializate ocupat de CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL (2018-2019)
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But later also on production, which is now the largest part. Industries that provide good business opportunities for companies in Romania are among others the textile industry, industrial equipment and vehicles, and the wood and furniture industry. Gama completă de produse şi servicii a companiei Bioapimed-sv, S.R.L.. Toată informația privind Bioapimed-sv, S.R.L.
* This phone number available for 3 min is not the recipient’s number but a number from a service which will put you through to that person. This service is produced by Kompass. Galdum Import Export SRLDJ100H, Fefelei, Județul Prahova, Romania. Galdum Import Export SRL, DJ100H, Fefelei, Județul Prahova, Romania. View detailed Export data, price, monthly trends, major exporting countries, major ports Customs Import Duty of: cabbage seed f1 Oct 19 2016, 12099990, VEGETABLE SEEDS FOR AGRICULTURE SOWING ONLY CABBAGE CARINA F1 CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL is located in Focsani, Romania and is part of the Fuel Oil & LP Gas Dealers Industry. CARINA IMPORT EXPORT SRL has 8 Informaţii Carina Import Export Srl CIF 4061795 J39/479/1993 Str. Vilcele 77 Focsani.