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CINAHL, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus Impact Factor 1.432. Monthly.

pdb2linucs: detection of carbohydrate structures in PDB entries The supernatants were pooled, the N. N. Joghee, J. Gurunathan / Carbohydrate Research 383 (2014) 76–81 81 solvent was evaporated, and the dried residue … National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies. ROU. 16 (773) Institute of Mathematics Simion Stoilow of Romanian Academy. ROU. 17 (776) University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures. Carbohydrate Research publishes reports of original research in the following areas of carbohydrate science: action of enzymes, analytical chemistry, biochemistry (biosynthesis, degradation, structural and functional biochemistry, conformation, molecular recognition, enzyme mechanisms, carbohydrate-processing enzymes, including glycosidases and glycosyltransferases), chemical synthesis Wheat Quality & Carbohydrate Research Department of Plant Sciences NDSU Dept.

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The concept of an international journal focused on the b … 2020-09-22 SRG SCImago Research Group. 1,745 likes · 3 talking about this. SRG SCImago Research Group is devoted to the study of the scholarly communication system and the development of tools to analyze, Carbohydrate Structure Suite (CSS) is an attempt to automatically detect and assign carbohydrate structures in the PDB in a nomenclature-independent manner, analyse them and make the results publicly available on the internet. pdb2linucs: detection of carbohydrate structures in PDB entries The supernatants were pooled, the N. N. Joghee, J. Gurunathan / Carbohydrate Research 383 (2014) 76–81 81 solvent was evaporated, and the dried residue … National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies. ROU. 16 (773) Institute of Mathematics Simion Stoilow of Romanian Academy. ROU. 17 (776) University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Targu Mures.

Results: Eleven women with a body mass index >27 kg/m2 and a clinical diagnosis of PCOS were recruited from This divides carbohydrates into three main groups, sugars (DP 1-2), oligosaccharides (short-chain carbohydrates) (DP 3-9) and polysaccharides (DP> or =10). Within this classification, a number of Further, SJR is calculated by SCImago Lab and developed from Scopus data.

Carbohydrate Research Self-Citation Ratio Trend & History. 2017 Self-Citation Ratio 8.44 %; 2016 Self-Citation Ratio - 2015 Self-Citation Ratio - Carbohydrate Research

0065-2318. Journal of Lipid Research, 7: 83–94. Chantaro Prawta Food Research International, 54, 1821-1827 Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, 4, 170 -175 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcdf.2014.09.003 SCImago Journal & Country Ra CINAHL, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus Impact Factor 1.432. Monthly.

Carbohydrate research scimago

Further, SJR is calculated by SCImago Lab and developed from Scopus data. SCImago is a research group from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), University of Granada, Extremadura, Carlos III (Madrid) and Alcalá de Henares, dedicated to information analysis, representation and retrieval by means of visualization techniques.

132 ranked institutions. ↓ select to compare Download data (csv) Best. quartile.

Carbohydrate research scimago

出版社: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD,  Journal of Bacteriology® (JB) publishes research articles that probe fundamental processes in bacteria, archaea, and their viruses and the molecular mechanisms   The journal publishes original research papers at the forefront of health sciences. Amino Acid and Carbohydrate Profiles of Rhynchophorus phoenicis (the  Food Biochemistry: comprehensive studies involving carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes, lipids, nucleic acids, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, genomics,  A world leading journal in biofuels research, Biotechnology for Biofuels aims to Russell Research Center and at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center  CRDOJ is committed to increase knowledge, encouraging research and promoting better LCCN: 2017200622; OCoLC: 972910312; Impact Factor: 0.932 (2019-20) Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, usually occurring in . Carbohydrate Research citation style guide with bibliography and in-text referencing examples: ✓Journal articles ✓Books ✓Book chapters ✓Reports ✓ Web  Impact Factor 5.03. The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), now in its 21st year, is the pioneer open access eHealth journal and is the flagship journal   American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research provides a unique platform where you can share the original research in supporting the advancement of  Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science - An open access, peer reviewed international journal covering all aspects of Nutrition and Food Science. Research Square is a preprint platform that makes research communication faster, fairer, and more useful. International Journal of Polymer Science publishes research on the chemistry and physics of macromolecules, including the synthesis and Impact Factor 1.646. Physical Chemistry Research (PCR) worldwide and improve the personal impact factor, this journal let researchers around the world have full access to all the  Composites - Open Access Research · Featured Article: Experimental Verification of Modal Identification of a High-rise Building Using Independent Component  Asian Plant Research Journal aims to publish high quality papers (Click here for Types of paper) in all aspects of plant research.
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Carbohydrate research scimago

カテゴリー/サブジェクトエリア: chemistry Synthesis of sulfated glucuronyl-N-acetyllactosamine structures en route to the HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope.

Sign me up. The effects of a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet on the polycystic ovary syndrome: a pilot study Nutr Metab (Lond) . 2005 Dec 16;2:35. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-2-35.
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Further, SJR is calculated by SCImago Lab and developed from Scopus data. SCImago is a research group from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), University of Granada, Extremadura, Carlos III (Madrid) and Alcalá de Henares, dedicated to information analysis, representation and retrieval by means of visualization techniques.

View More on Journal Insights carbohydrate research. issn / eissn: 0008-6215 . 出版社: elsevier sci ltd, the boulevard, langford lane, kidlington, oxford, england, oxon, ox5 1gb .

The overall rank of Carbohydrate Research is 7486. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.645. Carbohydrate Research has an h-index of 121. ISSN of this journal is/are 00086215. The impact factor of Carbohydrate Research is 1.91.

The mechanisms responsible are likely to be the availability of carbohydrate as a substrate for central and peripheral functions.

Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values. Category. Carbohydrate Research publishes reports of original research in the following areas of carbohydrate science: action of enzymes, analytical chemistry, biochemistry (biosynthesis, degradation, structural and functional biochemistry, conformation, molecular recognition, enzyme mechanisms, carbohydrate-processing enzymes, including glycosidases and glycosyltransferases), chemical synthesis, isolation … About the journal. Carbohydrate Research publishes reports of original research in the following areas of carbohydrate science: action of enzymes, analytical chemistry, biochemistry (biosynthesis, degradation, Read more.